Robot Chicken Wiki
Nutcracker Sweet
Screenshot of You Got Robo-Served

Season: 1

Episode: Nutcracker Sweet

Length: 3:00

Cast: Michael Benyaer (Keith), Dan Milano (Pidge, Space Mouse), Seth Green (Galaxy Garrison Officer, Lance, Hunk, Robeast), Sarah Michelle Gellar (Princess Allura), Mike Henry (Galaxy Garrison News)

Characters: Voltron, Robeast, Keith, Princess Allura, Pidge, Hunk, Lance, Galaxy Garrison Officer

Segment Summary: Voltron engages in an old-school dance-off in "You Got Robo-Served."

Animated By: Gabe Sprenger, Sihanouk Mariona, Mike Wolfe

Themes: Animals, Bug Eyes, Dancing, Death, Dismemberment, Film, Lengthy, Music, Recognition, Robots, Mashups, Real Toys, Sexuality, Space Travel, Television, Violence, Anime


Trivia / Info:

  • Originally, Voltron danced to the original song Work It Out on the Floor as performed by Seth Green with music by Michael Suby. However, due to possible legal issues the music was changed, although Work It Out on the Floor can still be heard under the audio commentary track on the DVD. Some lyrics from Work It Out on the Floor were re-integrated into the song that is on the skit in current TV and DVD releases.
  • Work It Out on the Floor is a parody of DMX's "Get It on the Floor".
  • The Voltron puppet was made of foam.
  • The Robeast used in this sketch was Scorpious. The figure was destroyed (actually cut apart) for this segment.
  • The two animators in charge of the dance-off are big fans of You Got Served.
  • Only one animator took control of each side of the dance-off.
  • In the video game Overwatch, the character D.Va uses Voltron's dance as an emote for the game's first anniversary.
  • This segment was included on the DVD release for "Voltron: Defender of the Universe - Vol 1" as a special feature.
  • Seth Green often cites this skit as one of his favorite segments on Robot Chicken.

Goofs / Nitpicks:

Transcription - Interpretations

Hey, Kool-Aid! - Previous Segment | Next Segment - Me & Stalin
