Robot Chicken Wiki

The Transformers is an American/Japanese toy line, movie and animated television series depicting a war between the Autobots and the Decepticons who could transform into vehicles, animals, and objects. It had a incredible toyline just like G.I. Joe and Star Wars.

This Origin is Japanese toy company Takara(a.k.a. Takara Tomy)began releasing the Diaclone toy series in 1980, and in 1982, it introduced the'Car Robot' series as a sub-series.  Takara also entered the United States, but did not see much success.

However, in 1983, the American toy company Hasbro bought the rights of products such as Diaclone and Microman series from Takara to create a transformer brand.  Then, to promote Transformers, he published Transformers Comics and made a three-part short animation.  When these hit the jackpot, Hasbro continued with a series of Transformers.

'Transformers' toys were re-exported to Japan, and Takara, who saw the great success of Transformers, also removed the Diaclone and Microman brands and fully boosted the Transformer brand. Currently, the transformer brand is led by Takara, a partner, centered on Hasbro.

In 2007, film director Michael Bay made up to five films, but after the five films collapsed, it succeeded in box office with the release of "Bumblebee" in 2018 as a reboot. In 2020, it was produced as an animation on Netflix, Call "Transformers: War for cybertron trilogy".

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