Robot Chicken Wiki

(Azmuth, Gwen and Grandpa Max celebrate Ben's 14th birthday)

Azmuth: Happy birthday, young Ben Tennyson!

Ben Tennyson: (Ben gets a pair of socks, feeling confused) What's with the crappy gifts, Azmuth? Last time I got a watch that turns me into different aliens.

Azmuth: That was when you were Ben 10. Now that you're Ben 14, you get more grown-up gifts.

Ben Tennyson: (Ben gets a telescope) I saved the world like 40 times this year and this is what I get? This birthday blows.

Azmuth: It's not over yet. (Cuts to Ben and Azmuth at a window) Here's your final present.

(The woman next door removes her towel and begins to shower)

Ben Tennyson: Whoa!

Azmuth: That's for saving the world. Happy birthday, Ben 14!

(Ben gets excited for the gifts he received and continues to spy on the woman next door with his telescope. End segment)
