Robot Chicken Wiki
Watch The Death of He-Man on [as] video

Season: 3

Episode: Shoe

Length: 2:36

Cast: Candace Bailey (Sorceress of Castle Grayskull), Rachael Leigh Cook (Evil-Lyn), Seth Green (Orko), Dan Milano (Skeletor), John Moschitta Jr. (Trap-Jaw), Patrick Pinney (He-Man), Tom Root (Beast Man)

Characters: He-Man, Skeletor, Beast Man, Trap-Jaw, Evil-Lyn, Orko, Sorceress of Castle Grayskull

Segment Summary: Everything goes to hell when Eternia suffers its first murder ever.

Themes: Violence, Death, Bleeped, Fourth Wall, Television


Trivia / Info:

  • Evil-Lyn's real name is Evelyn Morgan Powers.
  • This is the first sketch where He-Man is voiced by Patrick Pinney. Patrick usually voiced He-Man/Prince Adam in subsequent appearances.
  • This is the first sketch where Beast Man is voiced by Tom Root. Beast Man is voiced by Tom Root in subsequent apearances.

Goofs / Nitpicks:

  • Evil-Lyn's neck looks disconnected when they are hiding in the corner.
  • The note Skeletor wrote said He-Man fell backwards onto an axe, yet he's on his belly with the axe stuck in his back.

Transcription - Interpretations

The Humping Robot Goes Vegas - Previous Segment
