<photo>Stoop!d_Monkey</photo> |

is the name of Robot Chicken's entity card (Aka production company).
Its logo depicts the monkey engaging in a different activity (with one exception) at the close of each episode.
Seth Green provides the voice declaring the company name as each card is displayed.
Each Stoop!d Monkey is lovingly rendered by artist/actor Adam Talbott.
Check out the Stoop!d Monkey gallery.
Buy Official Stoop!d Monkey Merchandise. Help support the show and look spiffy at the same time!
Stoop!d Monkey Productions,in its first foray into film, has signed a two-picture deal with Dimension Films that includes the production of a stop-motion animated Christmas movie titled "Naughty or Nice." Check out this press release on Seth Green's site for complete details.
This article is the runner-up most popular article on this wiki, second only to Robot Chicken: Star Wars.
The following is a log of Stoop!d Monkey's activities.
Danger Key - Click a head below to see its corresponding monkey!The monkey should come out unscathed.
There's a distinct possibility of injury.
This very well may result in the monkey's demise.
He's dead, Jim!

'Season 1:
Junk in the Trunk — He's about to hit his tail with a hammer.
Nutcracker Sweet — He's smoking an entire pack of cigarettes.
Gold Dust Gasoline — He's about to whack a beehive with a stick.
Plastic Buffet — He's drinking a gallon of bleach.
Toyz in the Hood — He's sticking one hand into a blender while turning it on with the other.
Vegetable Funfest — He's doused himself in gasoline and is holding a lit match.
A Piece of the Action — He's being cooked by a headhunter.
The Deep End — He just pulled the pin from a grenade.
S&M Present — He's holding a banana in one hand and a gun in the other. Guess which one is in his mouth?
Badunkadunk — He's looking at a world history book upside-down. The background suggests that he's looking at the Infinite monkey theorem.
Toy Meets Girl — He's running with scissors.
Midnight Snack — He's being cooked by a headhunter.. again, but with a different background.
Atta Toy — He's about to bite his own tail.
Joint Point — He's sticking a finger up his nose and out an ear.
Kiddie Pool — He's climbing into the mouth of a crocodile.
Nightmare Generator — He's about to drop a toaster into his bath.
Operation Rich in Spirit — He's got his head in a toilet.
The Sack — He's eating his own brain.
Adultizzle Swizzle — He's eating his own brain.
That Hurts Me — He's about to cut his tongue out.
The Black Cherry — While we don't see him doing something idiotic, he's nothing more than a skull, meaning that he somehow has died.

Season 2:
Suck It — He's just infected himself with the bird flu.
Federated Resources — He's about to chop his head off in a guillotine.
Easter Basket — He's blown himself up.
Celebrity Rocket — He's just pushed a button that triggers a large explosion.
Dragon Nuts — He's jumped off a cliff with an inadequate hang glider.
1987 — He's chowing down on some poison oak.
Cracked China — He's decapitated himself with a pair of gardening shears.
Rodiggiti — He's haphazardly shaved off most of his fur.
Massage Chair — He's fallen in love with a python.
Password: Swordfish — He's hitting on the girlfriend of a very large gorilla.
Adoption's an Option — He's just a head on a wall mounting.
The Munnery — He's been fishing for a goldfish in its bowl.
Metal Militia — He's scored a bullseye while playing darts... with his own eye as the target .
Veggies for Sloth — He's been impaled by a chainsaw.
Blankets in a Pig — He's been impaled by a chainsaw.
Sausage Fest — He's about to stick his finger up a light bulb socket until... ZAP!
Drippy Pony — He's been run over by a car, while trying to ask the chicken why it crossed the road.
Day at the Circus — He's impaled himself through the eye with a cue in a game of billiards. Also, why is he holding a 1 ball?
Lust for Puppets — He's inked an upside-down tattoo on his own chest.
Anne Marie's Pride — He's feeding himself into a meat grinder.
Book of Corrine — Stoop!d Monkey appears outside his natural habitat (logo screen) for the first time ever during Robot Chicken Telethon. He can be seen in a technical difficulties screen, all tangled up in a spool of video tape. Twice!
Book of Corrine — He's busy sawing off the tree branch that he's hanging onto.
Season 3:
Werewolf vs. Unicorn — He's behind grass holding up a sign that reads "WAR IS THE ANSWER".
Squaw Bury Shortcake — He's about to eat an octopus... or is it the other way around?
Rabbits on a Roller Coaster — He's fallen prey to a giant carnivorous monkey-eating plant.
Tapping a Hero — He's scored yet another monkey's eye - this time in archery.
Shoe — He's ignored the "DONT FEED THE ANIMALS" sign, and lost a paw as a result.
Endless Breadsticks — He's munching on a cat box offering.
Yancy the Yo-Yo Boy — He's attempted to eat a pufferfish.
More Blood, More Chocolate — He's wearing an "IM WITH STUPID!" shirt with an arrow pointing upward, indicating himself as "stupid".
Celebutard Mountain — He's chasing a butterfly off a cliff.
Moesha Poppins — He's attempting to steal a banana that belongs to a very large gorilla.
Ban on the Fun — He's fallen in love with a cactus.
Losin' the Wobble — He's focusing the sun's rays with a magnifying glass into his eye.
Slaughterhouse on the Prairie — He's attempting to steal an egg from a giant condor.
Robot Chicken's Half-Assed Christmas Special — He's just scored with a Sock Monkey in bed.
Tubba-Bubba's Now Hubba-Hubba — He's eating a whole pack of "Montos" and is about to wash it down with diet cola.
Boo Cocky — He's on a water tube and about to be eaten by a shark.
Bionic Cow — He's gnawing on a bone while its pit bull owner looks on angrily.
Monstourage — He's about to mine for diamonds in a mine field.
President Evil — He's about to take a dip in a pool of molten lava.
Chirlaxx — He's gotten stuck in the La Brea Tar Pits.
Season 4:
Help Me: He's on top of a fire hydrant, thinking he is King Kong.
They Took My Thumbs: He's "surfing the 'net" by standing on a surfboard on top of his computer monitor.
I'm Trapped: He's about to whack a butterfly sitting on his head with a hammer.
In a DVD Factory: He just pulled the plug out the bottom of his lifeboat.
Tell My Mom: He's attempting to roast marshmallows over a fire ant hill.
P.S. Yes, In That Way: He's a matador wearing red.
Love, Maurice: He's juggling knives while consulting a book on how to do it.
Two Weeks Without Food: He's looking into the rear end of a skunk.
But Not In That Way: He's about to freshen his breath with a can of mace.
I Love Her: He stuck his paw into a fish tank full of piranhas.
We Are A Humble Factory: He's about to poke some stalactites in a cave with a broom handle.
Maurice Was Caught: He's in a cowboy duel with bananas instead of guns.
Unionizing Our Labor: He's cooking himself on a spit, happily turning it.
President Hu Forbids It: He's playing baseball with an upside-down bat.
Due to Constraints of Time and Budget: He scored a "birdie" by stuffing a bird into a golf hole.
The Ramblings of Maurice: He's taking a bath in radioactive waste.
Cannot Be Erased, So Sorry: He's "eating" a backwards ice cream cone with his eye.
Please Do Not Notify Our Contractors: He's a vampire swooning over a crate of blood oranges.
Especially the Animal Keith Crofford!: He's jumping rope with his intestines, all while a butcher knife is flying towards him.
Dear Consumer (aka Robot Chicken's Full-A*sed Christmas Special): He's selling Santa's reindeer by the pound.
Season 5: While we don't get to see him doing somthing idiotic, a shining stencil of his head does appear in the closing logo.
Season 6: Same as before but the monkey is redrawn to look cuter, the text is colored orange, as well as bars for the E.
Season 7: The text is put on a red background with a spotlight, but where's the monkey?
Season 8: The monkey is doing foolish activity again, Biggie and QT are absent.
Season 9: Instead, it has a graidient background. As a result, the outline is no longer used.
Season 10 (onwards): The monkey is doing foolish activity (on a gradient background) once again.
Robot Chicken Christmas Special — He's hanged himself with a string of Christmas lights.
Robot Chicken: Star Wars — He's severed his hand with a lightsaber.
Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode II/2.5: He's diving off the barge and Sarlacc swallowed.