Season: 3
Episode: Shoe
Length: 1:16
Cast: Rachael Leigh Cook (Princess Zelda), Seth Green (Ganondorf), Dan Milano (Link)
Characters: Link, Ganondorf, Princess Zelda
Segment Summary: After a 50 hour adventure Link doesn't get the reception he thought he would get when he rescues Princess Zelda.
Themes: Bleeped, Sexuality, Games
Allusions:Parodies The Legend of Zelda video game series.
Trivia / Info:
- Ganondorf's design is similar to the one in Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Goofs / Nitpicks:
- Originally almost in every Zelda game, Link doesn't talk, but in this skit, he does.
- The red rupee given to Link is only 8 instead of 20 like in the games.
Transcription - Interpretations The Tortoise, the Hare and the Ugly - Previous Segment | Next Segment - Straight Jacket Escape |