Robot Chicken Wiki
Watch Otter Murder on [as] video

Season: 7

Episode: Born Again Virgin Christmas Special

Length: 01:21

Cast: Drew Massey (Emmett Otter), Breckin Meyer (Franky Fox), Seth Green (Wendell Porcupine, Charlie Muskrat), Dan Milano (Harvey Beaver)

Characters: Emmett Otter, Franky Fox, Wendell Porcupine, Harvey Beaver, Charlie Muskrat

Segment Summary: Nope. Not touching this one

Themes: Live Action, Animals, Music, Blood, Death


Trivia / Info:

  • Unlike most sketches, this sketch is performed nearly entirely by puppets rather than stop-motion, which is used for only exterior shots of the cabin.

Goofs / Nitpicks:

  • If reality were to apply to the sketch, Franky would have only successfully killed Charlie Muskrat. Wendell, being a porcupine, has protective quills. Harvey, being a beaver, would be too large to kill. Emmett, being an otter, can kill animals larger than him, as real otters are capable of doing.

Transcription - Interpretations

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