{{#watch:8a250ba146ff428e014716f3c9e600fa}}Watch Mission Kim Possible on [as] video
Season: 7
Episode: Walking Dead Lobster
Length: 1:03
Cast: Seth Green (Crocodile, David), Rachael MacFarlane (Kim Possible), Randall Park (Kim Jong-un)
Characters: Kim Possible, Kim Jong-un, Crocodile, David
Segment Summary: Hope the pun wrangler got overtime pay.
Themes: Animals, Film, Television, Mashups
- Mashup of Kim Possible, Mission: Impossible, and The Interview
Trivia / Info:
- Randall Park would later reprise his role as Kim Jong-un in the critically divided 2014 action comedy film The Interview.
- The dialogue is a parody of the scene in Braveheart "Steven is my name!".
Goofs / Nitpicks:
- Kim Possible somehow manages to fit through the hole she cut, despite clearly being too small.
Transcription - Interpretations Tetri-ficial Sacrifice - Previous Segment | Next Segment - Taped Speech |