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Season: 4

Episode: Tell My Mom

Length: 1:30

Cast: Zac Efron (Mechanic), Donald Faison (Scooter), Seth Green (Boy, Boy's Dad, Bumblebee), Tom Root (Sam Witwicky), Matthew Senreich (Ron Witwicky)

Characters: Boy, Boy's Dad, Sam Witwicky, Ron Witwicky, Bumblebee, Scooter, Mechanic

Segment Summary: A high school student's first and last Go-Bot.

Themes: Motor Vehicles, Robots, Bleeped Death


Trivia / Info:

  • The head of the Boy's dad is the head of Leonard the scientist from Scientist Mad With Power but with different colored hair.

Goofs / Nitpicks:

  • In the Transformers movie, Bumblebee was first found at the used car lot in the form of a beat-up 1976 Camaro, whereas this sketch shows him in his later 2009 Camaro Concept mode. Also he didn't speak until the end of the movie.

Transcription - Interpretations

Hurly Hippos - Previous Segment | Next Segment - Oh, You Meant Me
