Robot Chicken Wiki
Watch In Memoriam on [as] video

Season: 3

Episode: Chirlaxx

Length: 2:09

Cast: Seth Green (Himself), Matthew Senreich (Himself), Clark Duke (Mike Lazzo), Matthew Beans (Himself, uncredited)

Characters: Seth Green, Matthew Senreich, Rob Ronning, Jeff Gardner, Matthew Ireland Beans, Ross Shuman, Ethan A. Marak, Rosa Tran, Mike Lazzo

Segment Summary: The staff of Robot Chicken remembers the fallen staff of Robot Chicken, killed tragically by the staff of Robot Chicken.

Themes: Bleeped, Continued, Death, Self-Reference, Violence


  • The weapon Matthew Senreich wields is a Klingon Bat'leth from Star Trek.
  • The display of the names of the dead along with the dramatic music allude to the final scenes of the HBO drama Six Feet Under.

Trivia / Info:

  • Concluded in Cultivated Relationships.
  • This is the first instance where Mike Lazzo is voiced by Clark Duke, rather than the real Mike Lazzo. Lazzo declined to provide his own voice for the sketch, as stated in the commentary. This is likely because of his fate in the sketch (being brutally killed by Seth and Matthew). Clark continued to voice Mike in his future appearances in the series.

Goofs / Nitpicks:

Online Commentary:
Ending the Season - The Scale of the Puppets - Hoodies - Everyone Works On Themselves - Electrocuting Your Crew - Matt Beans - Violence Always Works - Mike Lazzo Quits

Transcription - Interpretations

Glo Worm - Previous Segment
