Season: 9
Episode: No Wait, He Has A Cane
Length: 2:10
Cast: Dan Milano (Skeletor), Tom Root (Grizzlor), Seth Green (He-Man), Breckin Meyer (King Randor)
Characters: Skeletor, Grizzlor, He-Man, Teela, Orko, Roboto, Mekaneck, Buzz-Off, Man-At-Arms, Stratos, King Randor
Segment Summary: Skeletor hatches a plan to blow off He-Man's dick.
Themes: Bleeped, Fire, Monsters, Music, Television, Violence
Trivia / Info:
- Seth Green earlier voiced He-Man in He-Man Nights.
Goofs / Nitpicks:
- This is the second sketch where Grizzlor works for Skeletor rather than Hordak and the Evil Horde. The first is Mo-Larr.
Transcription - Interpretations Bob Dylan's Music Invades Carpool - Previous Segment