Robot Chicken Wiki

Eagle Force was a 2 34-inch-high (70 mm) die-cast action figure military-themed toy line marketed by Mego Corporation in the 1980s in the United States. Produced during Ronald Reagan's first term as president, the Eagle Force toy line was marketed to send the message that the United States wasn't going to be "pushed around" anymore. Designed by Bill Baron and Paul Kirchner, Eagle Force was similar to the G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero toy line, which was being developed by Hasbro during the same period.

The primary concept of Eagle Force is that it is an elite United States Government counter-terrorist task force organization composed of special forces experts. In their fictional universe, Eagle Force was created to combat the Roving International Organization of Tyranny (R.I.O.T.), a terrorist organization driven by the desire for world domination. Eagle Force is commanded by Captain Eagle, who wears an eye patch. The ethnically diverse cast of Eagle Force members include Big BroThe CatHarley,KayoRedwingSgt. BrownStrykerTurkWild BillZapper, and the female figure Goldie Hawk. R.I.O.T. is led byGeneral Mamba, assisted by Baron Von ChillBeta Man (an arsonist ), Nemesis the SaboteurSavitar the Ninja, and a Shock Trooper figure.

Segments Alluded[]

  • Eagle Force