Robot Chicken Wiki
Watch Dick Tracy's a Dick on [as] video

Season: 3

Episode: Rabbits on a Roller Coaster

Length: :42

Cast: Candace Bailey (Prepubes), Seth Green (Pruneface, Horsemouth, Deep Throat), Michael Hogan (Manboobs), Gregory Itzin (Dick Tracy), Tom Root (Big Ears)

Characters: Dick Tracy, Pruneface, Flattop, Mumbles, Horsemouth, Big Ears, Manboobs, Deep Throat, Prepubes

Segment Summary: Dick Tracy can be a real... jerk.

Themes: Guns, Death, Sexuality, Violence, Bleeped


Trivia / Info:

Goofs / Nitpicks:

Online Commentary:
Tracy's Creative - Sloshing Man-Boobs - Candace Bailey - Hoping That Reads

Transcription - Interpretations

Chocolate Easter Eggs - Previous Segment | Next Segment - The Worst School Day
