Robot Chicken Wiki

Season: 7

Episode: Secret of the Booze

Length: 1:24

Cast: Seth Green (Bert), Dan Milano (Ernie), Mikey Day (Sam)

Characters: Ernie, Bert, Sam

Segment Summary: This clip is brought to you by the letters PCP.

Written By: Rachel Bloom, Mikey Day

Themes: Television, Drugs, Violence, Blood, Injuries, Sexuality, Bug Eyes, Bodily Functions, Music


  • Parody of Sesame Street.
  • This sketch pokes fun at the rumor that Bert and Ernie are gay, which was been used as the basis of jokes on such shows as Family Guy (which Seth Green and a lot of other cast members like Seth MacFarlane (who created it) worked on).
  • Bert also mentions he found Sam on Craigslist.
  • Sam's lines in the "Tying Your Shoes" song are a reference to conspiracy theories surrounding the September 11 attacks.
    • Interestingly, There was an incident where Bert had a connection to Osama Bin Laden (the guy who started the attacks), which came from a website called "Bert is Evil", a website where art of Bert was seen with nefarious figures or in tragic historical events (such as the John F. Kennedy assassination and the Oklahoma City bombing). The incident started when an image of Bert sandwiched next to Osama was put into a poster collage for a protest rally in Bangladesh. When Sesame Workshop was made aware of this, they were less than pleased to see that Bert was being used for such actions and threatened taking legal action against the person who made the website, Dino Ignacio, which lead to the website being taken down.

Trivia / Info:

  • This early storyboard by Tom Smith [1] reveals some changes in the ending, notably Bert mentioning that Sam put "PCP in that weed", Bert mentioning that Smackhead Dave is Sam's old roommate (now deceased), and Bert laughing weakly after Sam cuts off his own nose as he zones out.

Goofs / Nitpicks:

  • Ernie and Bert are not gays

Transcription - Interpretations

Alien Life Form 3 - Previous Segment | Next Segment - Terminator Dad
