Aliens are beings that do not come from Earth or any other planet. These wacky guys are voiced by Breckin Meyer, Seth Green, and Adam Talbott.
To be added
- The Twist
- Where's Michael?
- Previously On Robot Chicken
- Alien Abduction Reversal
- Alien Abduction Reversal (Part 2)
- Space Checkers
- Alien Privacy
- Robot Chicken Sells Out
- Robot Chicken Telethon
- Greatest American Nerd
- Unplanned Invasion
- Smallville Crash Site
- The Rescue
- A PR Nightmare
- Appeasing the God
- One of them usually hollers in anger, "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" while slamming his fists.
- Despite the fact that they have died in some sketches, they continued to appear.