Robot Chicken Wiki

ADD TV: The Robot Chicken Wiki

Welcome to a Robot Chicken knowledge base. The aim of this website is to classify, categorize and catalog the plethora of pop culture references, celebrity guest stars and the many, many other details surrounding our favorite stop-motion animation variety show that can be obsessively recorded here on the Internet in this fabulous wiki format for all to contribute to.

Allusions | Cast | Characters | Crew | Episodes | FAQ | Links | Schedule | Segments | Themes

Robot Chicken is densely layered with specific references to familiar topics in the areas of television, film, sports, religion, politics, chainsaws, and much more. The wide range of material that the creators have to pull from makes it highly unlikely that the average person will recognize all of the allusions in any given episode. Fervent fans, however, want to understand everything that's going on in their favorite shows. The very nature of a wiki makes it perfect for this venture; countless brains will be required to fully comprehend everything that's happening in each episode.

Of course, there already are several online sources of information regarding Robot Chicken, not the least of which is the Flash-driven Robot Chicken section of the official Adult Swim website. The official episode & segment descriptions will be quoted here, as well as character descriptions and other details that are posted. The quote above is's description of the program.

Thanks in advance for any contributions that you make to this website!TDK
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